Sunday, September 2, 2012

Your DIY pictures! August 2012

Hi Pretty Girls!  Like I mentioned before if you have ever tried any of my DIY projects feel free to share with me.  Here are three pictures that I received on instagram from Jazze, Page, and Malarie.  How amazing did their printed shorts turn out?! I say BOMB.COM!

Jazze (instagram: jazze_no_pha)

Page (instagram: pagephan)

Malorie (instagram: x3mal_dee)

It makes me so happy when you share your DIY photos.  This makes me see that my DIY videos are being put to use.  Share your photos with me on instagram, twitter, or you can email your photos to If you would like to be featured in one of my videos as well as my blog let me know.  I do like to ask for your permission because I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable.